Register your business, organisation or club for free and become part of your neighbourhood on Sugar Cup
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Your free gig in the neighbourhood
Introduce yourself

Share your services, offers digitally and let the neighbourhood know what good you can do.
Receive recommendations

Become a favourite in your neighbourhood
At Sugar Cup we believe that local actors (associations, local businesses, organisations) are part of a vibrant neighbourhood. Together we bring together what belongs together - neighbours and local actors.
Your benefit on Sugar Cup
Direct line to customers from the surrounding area
High range
Easy and quick handling

And it works as simply as this
- Register for free and add your profile as an organisation, business or club
- Present yourself from your "best" side by describing yourself and uploading meaningful photos
- Interact with your neighbours and post exciting articles or events.
Basically, businesses and services that can be used by your neighbours (i.e. private users) on site in the neighbourhood are qualified for a Local Actors Profile.
We are also happy to hear from freelancers, small businesses or individuals at Sugar Cup.With the Local Actors Profile, Sugar Cup offers you an (additional) channel for direct communication with local residents. Digital, local and easy to use.
There are three good reasons to use Sugar Cup as a platform for organisations, associations and local businesses:
- Better visibility: Neighbours in the immediate vicinity become aware of your commitment. Often, local residents don't even know which shops, organisations and associations are already active in their neighbourhood with the respective services.
- Relevant target group: With Sugar Cup, you can reach exactly those people who are particularly relevant to you. The neighbours you are addressing do not live far from you geographically and can be made aware of events via your profile.
- Simple communication: You can make people aware of your offers directly, quickly and easily. You can also answer questions directly and reach many people with just a few clicks.
Damit du das Beste aus deiner Präsenz bei Sugar Cup heraus holst, haben wir hier ein paar Tipps für einen guten Beitrag zusammengestellt. Wir freuen uns auch jederzeit über Feedback, was bei dir gut oder nicht so gut funktioniert hat.
Personal: The more personal, the better. Your neighbours want to know who is behind the profile. Who is running it, why and for how long, for example? It's best to write from the "I" perspective and end with a nice greeting and your name.
Concise: A crisp and at the same time meaningful subject is crucial. In your message, the first four lines should contain the most important information.
Friendly: Formulate your contribution as you would tell your neighbours on the street about what you have to offer. Get them excited about your offer! Tip: You can also use emojis.
Relevant: Make sure your offer provides real added value for your neighbours. Offer them exclusive benefits, discounts or special experiences.
Pictorial: Always add a nice picture to your post. This increases attention and ensures recognition.
To get the most out of your appearance at Sugar Cup, we have put together a few tips and examples of well-done profiles.
You can edit your profile by logging in here and clicking on "Local actors" in the menu on the right.
Personal: The more personal, the better. Your neighbours want to know who is behind the business, association or organisation. This way you meet your neighbours at eye level and stand out from anonymous chains. Who runs it, why and for how long? What is your personal contribution to the neighbourhood? It is best to write from the "I" or "we" perspective.
Concise: In your profile description, you should summarise in a crisp and meaningful way what makes you unique and what you have to offer your neighbours. The first paragraph should contain the most important information.
Sympathetic: Formulate your description text as you would tell your neighbours on the street about you and your business, organisation or association. Refrain from using flashy slogans and sentences in capital letters. Invite your neighbours to get in touch with you and get to know you personally. Tip: You can also use emojis. 👍
Informative: Make sure you include all important information in your profile. Include contact information and opening hours so that all neighbours know when and how they can reach you. Mention in your description text that neighbours can also contact you by private message if they have any questions. And very important: do you have a special offer for neighbours who use Sugar Cup? Then be sure to mention this too!
Pictorial: Choose suitable photos for your profile. This increases attention and ensures recognition.